Grange Park School, Enfield N21 1PP. All Saturday’s all 12pm start March 22nd, June 21st, September 13th and December 6th. I need your entries by the Wednesday before the grading
Kindgsmead March 22nd
As its grading day can the 11am class please come at 10.30am till 11.30am please, the 10am class is as normal. Sorry for any inconvenience
Alternate Grading
Challney School, Luton,
All Sunday’s all 1.30pm start
April 13th, July 6th, September 21st and December 14th
There are quite a few students who would like to enter tournaments, need to get to pre black belt sessions or even just a lift from Kingsmead to Grange Park on grading day. Let me know if you are one of these people, so I can try to arrange something, don’t just stick your head in the sand. Red belts and above, you have to go to a pre black belt session every 6 months.
Kingsmead School Training March
We may be in the Drama Room for the next couple of weeks. My car is a dead giveaway. See which end of the playground it’s parked. Sorry about the continued parking difficulties
Barnet Training Wednesday 2nd April
St Andrews School need the hall on this night, so have cancelled us. I can give you 2 alternatives, come to Enfield for the 8-9pm class, or, I am making the Friday 4th April 5-6pm Kids class at St Andrews a mixed class for Adults also. I know it’s a bit early, but it’s just for one week and sadly I have no option, sorry!
Easter Training
More on this next month, but basically it will be the usual, kids classes cancelled but come to the later class and no training good Friday or Easter Monday.
Red Belts & Black Tags
New from 2013. All red belts and black tags must attend one pre black belt session every 6 months. You need to train at least twice a week to grade on time
Black Belts
The latest TAGB Newsletter pointed out that no-one can grade without the course certificates and the black licence books signed up. Check the calendar of events.
Clacton Training Camp
Mr Lutwyche is running his annual training camp at Clacton on 9th, 10th and 11th May. If anyone fancies it let me know, or get in touch with him direct.
Clash of The Titans
This is the competition where all the different Martial Art styles fight each other. The TAGB are the current champions so if you would like to go and support them it’s in Huddersfield, Yorkshire on Saturday 3rd May, tickets are £20.
Many Happy returns to the following:
Cameron Hobsley -27th
LillyRose Jordan – 1st
Madison Walker-3rd
Ben Mitchell -14th
Matthew Beasley 21st
Josephine Davies – 1st
Eren Freeman – 3rd
George and Harry Smith – 5th
Joe and Max Rose-Price – 10th
Adam Griffin – 14th
Darren Appanah – 16th
Licence Renewal March
Mary Griffin, Ben Mitchell, Richard Newcombe : ( , Aoife and Grainne Scully, T J Stevenson Scott.
Calendar of Events
March 16-English Champs-Worcester
Mar 29/30-Euro champs-Switzerland
Apr 25/27- Black belt grade-Bristol
May 3 – Umpires 1 – Willenhall
May 4 – Umpires 2 – Willenhall
May 18-Welsh Champs-Cardiff
June 20/21-Instructors course pt 1-Bristol
June 28 – Refs 1 and 2 – Willenhall
Sept 6-Scottish Champs- Scotland
Sept 20 – Umpires 1 – Cardiff
Sept 21 – Umpires 2 – Cardiff
October 17/19-Black belt grade-Bristol
Nov 1 – Refs 1 and 2 – Cardiff
Nov 8/9-Instructors course pt 2-Bristol
Nov 30-British Champs-Worcester
Black Belt Gradings
For the April Grading I need all the paperwork and monies by Sat 15th March, which means I need to know who’s grading by March 1st
For the October grading let me know by Sept 1st, then all paperwork by Sept 13th
Pre Black Belt Sessions
NOTE – The South East Sessions are no longer at Dorking. The New venue is Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane, Bracknell RG42 2LN. The Luton venue is Challney School, Stoneygate Rd,
Luton LU4 9TJ. The Rickmansworth venue is Royal Masonic Girls School, Princess Marina Sports Complex, Chorleywood Rd, WD3 4HF
Sat 15th March – Bracknell – 10.30am
Thurs 20th March – Rickmansworth 6pm
Tues 1st Apr – Luton-6pm
Sat 5th Apr – Bracknell – 2pm
Tues 8th Apr – Luton - 6pm
Sat 12th Apr – Bracknell – 2pm
Could all cheques be made out to Enfield Taekwondo, please. If you would prefer to pay by standing order see me for details
Grading Theory and Syllabus
The TAGB, through me, sell a full range of manuals, dvd’s, clothing, equipment etc. If you require anything just see me.
Sparring Kit
All sparring kit used in class must have approved by Tae Kwon Do International marked on it, with the TAGB logo
Training and Gradings
It is quite noticeable, especially amongst the junior members that if there is a grading coming up and they are not ready to grade they miss training for 2, 3, even 4 weeks. If they are only training once a week, and especially at holiday periods they forget everything and I have to start teaching them all over again. The 18 lessons/ 36 lessons (Blue belts and above) rule for grading is simply that that’s the minimum timescale required to learn the syllabus properly.
Monthly Club Subscriptions
All monthly payments are due on the first session of the month and will be for a calendar month. Due to the extra weeks and the 5 days available training there will be 12 full payments. If you can’t/don’t want to commit to this, no problem, just pay the per lesson fee.